Water quality modeling in mike 21
Water quality modeling in mike 21

water quality modeling in mike 21

The water quality model includes physical processes (reaeration, settling), biochemical processes (adsorption, transformation) and biological processes (organic degradation, primary production). Bed resistance coefficient, the eddy viscosity coefficient (Smagorinsky formulation) and the wind friction coefficient in hydrodynamic model, heat exchange coefficients and dispersion coefficients in advection/dispersion (AD) model are the major calibration factors. The hydrodynamic and advection-dispersion model simulates the flow forcing, transport, mixing and dispersion of water quality concentration at different spatio-temporal scales. The present study discusses a water quality model coupled with a hydrodynamic and advection-dispersion model to describe the important physical, chemical and biological processes. Circulation, fate and transport of nutrients are the critical component in determining the lagoon ecosystem. Sedimentation, from riverine discharge and disintegration of macrophytes, choking of the outer channel, shifting of the inlet mouth, decline in water area and increase in vegetated area, and the opening of new inlets are the dominant processes influencing the cotemporary phase of lagoon transformation in the Chilika. The Chilika Lagoon a Ramsar Site of international importance and the largest brackish water lagoon in Indian sub-continent is one of the finest repositories of aquatic biodiversity and a source of fishery, sustaining the livelihood and nutritional need of about 0.2 million local fisherfolk. Among the coastal ecosystems, the lagoon shows a wide range of geographical and ecological variation. Le développement de nombreuses approches de modélisation et de logiciels, commerciaux aussi bien qu'académiques, reflète l'importance croissante et l'intérêt de l'évaluation environnementale des océans cette revue discute les tendances futures de développement dans ce domaine.Sustainable restoration of endangered coastal ecosystems is today of great environmental interest and scientific value. On analyse les avantages et la limitation des principales méthodes mathématiques et leur fonctionnalité, ainsi que la disponibilité de logiciels. Les auteurs passent en revue les techniques de modélisation associées à la dispersion des eaux usées déchargées lors de rejets au large des côtes, selon le type de la méthode, et le processus physique de la décharge océanique, tel le modelage de champ rapproché et de champ éloigné. Dans l'application de ces méthodes, on a développé divers modèles pour traiter des problèmes de rejets dans l'océan. Les méthodes de modélisation spécialisées ont été utilisées pour simuler la dispersion de polluants marins provenant de rejets au large des côtes incluant des méthodes analytiques, la méthode de suivi des particules, la différence définissable et les solutions élémentaires définissables pour résoudre les équations d'advection–diffusion, ainsi que les méthodes intégrales de jet. On a étudié les techniques de modélisation de la pollution marine depuis des décades. This review also discusses future trends for development in this field. The development of numerous modelling approaches and software, both commercial and academic, reflects the growing importance and interest in ocean environmental assessment. The advantages and limitations of the major mathematical methods are analyzed, as well as their functionality and the availability of modelling software.

water quality modeling in mike 21

This paper reviews modelling techniques associated with simulation of wastewater dispersion discharged from offshore outfalls based on type of method and the physical process of the ocean discharge, such as near-field and far-field modelling. In the application of these methods, various models have been developed to address ocean discharge problems. These include empirical and analytical methods, particle tracking method, finite difference and finite element solutions for solving the advection–diffusion equations, and jet integral methods. Specialized modelling methods have been used to simulate pollutant dispersion resulting from offshore outfall. Techniques for modelling marine pollution have been studied for decades.

Water quality modeling in mike 21